Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It is almost harder to open these DVD cases that are bound with the tabs than it is to open a new, shrink-wrapped CD. The problem with these cases are not that they are overly complicated, they just violate the standard that has been set for DVD cases. I assume that there is no tabs because that is what the norm is. I usually do not find out that the tabs exist until it is too late and the case is broken. At least the tabs break and even though that is not a problem for me, it is very self-defeating on the tabs' part. 

Another example of this flaw is the GUI for Internet Explorer 7 and Google Chrome. Even though the menu is simple and straightforward, it is a deviation from the standard menu bar. I cannot get used to the new set up. I have to click on each button and use the process of elimination to find the correct menu.

On a more positive note, the deviation from the standard toolbars to the ribbon in Microsoft Office 2007 was a good change. I might have adapted to the new design of Office's toolbars because the tabs are still labeled, unlike the two browser interfaces, which only use pictures. It might be good if the browser GUIs had an option to add text to the buttons. Then users could remove the text after they are comfortable with the new design.

The Design of Everyday Things

The Design of Everyday Things by Donald A. Norman

(commented on Brian Salato's blog)


The Design of Everyday Things speaks to two different audiences. First, the author, Donald A. Norman, speaks to users of devices. He wants users to know that if they have trouble using a device, it is most likely the designer of the device's fault, not the user's fault. And even though it is probably because of poor design that people have trouble using a device, most people blame themselves instead of the device.

The other audience that is addressed in the book is designers. Norman points out four essential principles that lead to good design. First, the designer should provide a conceptual model so that the user understands how the device works and is less prone to err. Second, the designer should provide feedback. Feedback lets the user know that if he did something correct or incorrect or did not do anything at all. Third, the device should have constraints built in so that the user cannot perform undesirable actions. Fourth, the designer should provide affordances so that the user is given visual cues on what can be done.


I do not totally agree with Norman when he puts such a huge burden of the blame on designers instead of users when there are problems operating a device. I think the user can be blamed a little more than Norman says. However, I do like the pressure that this way of thinking puts on designers. 

Of his four design principles, I think feedback and constraints are the most important. Conceptual models and affordances are very useful for novices just as much as feedback and constraints. However, once a user becomes familiar with a device, he already knows how to operate it and extra visual cues and conceptual models to direct operation are no longer needed. Feedback and constraints will always be needed when operating a device, even for an expert. Feedback is needed so that the operator can confirm that his actions were successful. Constraints are needed because, even though an expert knows what would cause an error, slip ups are inevitable.